Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Houston 2006 pull mini album

I finally managed to complete one of the mini album I created with Jessy @ Papier. Thanks Jessy for the lesson, a private lesson lagi! I love this self-flip pull album. You can pull the tabs and the pages will flip by itself. Nice one, Jessy! I did an album about my business trip to Houston in 2006, where my hubby and Zareef accompanied me.

Zareef was about 1 year 4 months at that time. We had fun, went to the Aquarium, Houston Zoo, The Children's Museum (Zareef really like this place.. ) and visited friends. It was during Ramadhan (we cant enjoy the 'sponsored' food that much la.. ) but we had fun.. The plane ride was very tiring with a very active Zareef on board. Lucky that I was in business class (poor hubby back at economy) so that Zareef had his 'space' to play around. So, in the other hand, kind of thankful that Zara is not coming to Houston with me next week, as I knew how tiring will that be. But my mother and I are still sad that Zara can't come along for an all-girls outing.. plus very sad that I have to totally wean her off, as I wanted to bf her until she is 2...

Ok.. here are some pictures of the album. For more picture, visit my Scrapperocks! gallery

1 comment:

  1. Oh glad that you are finished with your album!! Nice memories!
