Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Growing Family

Here is another layout I did capturing snapshots of Raya family photos. I am very blessed for this beautiful family, and want to capture the “growing family”. It starts from 2005, with the arrival of Zareef in June 2005, up to 2008, when we are blessed with our daughter, Zara. I tried to find 2004 Raya photos, when there are only two of us (well, two and a half actually) but I couldn’t find any! Then I remembered that Zul was down with dengue fever that Raya, thus we don’t have any Raya photos! He has to stay in hospital for one week during that Raya.

For this layout I choose a simple and clean template, with a hand made flower occupying most of the space. I enhanced the flower with hand-stitch border, and also hand-stitch green ribbon as the flower’s stalk. For the title, I also hand-stitch the flower’s stalk to let it blend in with the theme. I am still experimenting with different techniques, but I really love stitching as it gives dimension to the whole layout. I will do a lot more stitching after this, that I may need a sewing machine next! (hint* hint*)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I was introduced to Scrapbooking by our dear Kak Own. She made a scrapbook for Zara when i just delivered, i was hooked. I was impressed by her scrapbooks; it looked so professional.

I love art, I even have a minor in art (and one in maths too - all A’s lagi [zul tambah.. dia insist to post it]) and I need a new hobby. I was hesitant at first and seem to not have the time for this (solved by staying up on weekend nights). But I dived in nevertheless, I am loving every minute of it! I can apply my ‘artistic’ side and do something with passion.

However, the scrapbook materials are very expensive. Import stuff, exchange rate, limited resources and all. Money is one thing, passion is another. I realized, if you are still happy/not regretting paying for it when the credit card bill comes it’ll be worth every penny. Anyways, its a great way to keep a documentary about our lives. Treasure the memories lah kononnya....

I am quite surprised a lot of people are into this. They are forming a club soon in the office . The more the merrier where we can share ideas and materials. I believe everybody can do this if you have the interest and perseverance . Why not you...

check out a few amateurish example at our page:
